Short Term Coworker FAQs

What experience do I need?

None. Short-term workers need no experience of working with adults with special needs. Just bring an open mind and a willingness to get involved and to take initiative in the house and at work. We like you to be with us for at least a year to experience the cycle of the seasons and festivals.

If you already have a Camphill experience, we sometimes have opportunities for people to work with us for a shorter period, especially in the summer months.

Those wishing to make a long-term commitment to our Community should ideally have experience with us or other Camphill Communities.

What about BREXIT?

We value our European volunteers just as much as ever. Indeed, Brexit has led us to cherish our European connections even more than before.

Camphill was founded in 1939 by Austrian refugees and remains a profoundly European and international movement. In any Camphill community you will hear a wide variety of languages spoken and a rich mix of different cultural and national backgrounds. We see this as a great strength of the Camphill movement and we are doing everything we can to preserve it during the Brexit process and beyond.

EU volunteers will now need to apply for a VISA.

What if I need a VISA

Newton Dee is able to sponsor Charity VISAs for people from outside of the UK. A Charity VISA will allow you to volunteer in Newton Dee only. We have had many people asking recently if they can take on a part-time job while they are here, but this is not possible.

If your application to Newton Dee is accepted, we will help you through the VISA application process.

You might get a phone call from the UK Border Agency to interview you about why you are coming to ND. Don’t be nervous, and remember, you are coming to Newton Dee to live with adults with learning difficulties. The Border Agency needs to ensure you are coming to volunteer. So you can share that you are coming to experience something different, to volunteer with a charity that is trying to create an inclusive community with adults with learning difficulties. There is no salary, but the charity will provide you with food and lodging and a bit of spending money.

If you require a visa from overseas you will have to pay the costs of the visa (£244), NHS surcharge (£624), and flights yourself. UK Charity Visas are valid for 12 months and are non-renewable. If you stay for the whole 12 months, Newton Dee will refund/pay for your return flight.

Will I receive training?

All short-term co-workers attend an induction and an ongoing foundation course. Other ‘on-the-job’ training is given according to the work you do. Those who intend to stay with us for more than a year are encouraged to take part in additional training.


What about pay?

Co-workers living in Camphill Communities are not paid for the work they do. Their needs are met from the resources of the Community.

Those working with us for a year or less receive financial support to cover clothing, other personal needs and outings. You should come with a return ticket or enough money for your fare home at the end of your period with us. Those staying for 12 months or longer will have the cost of their return flight refunded..


What about insurance and medical cover?

When you apply for the UK Charity VISA, you have to pay the NHS surcharge. This means that you will be covered by the NHS while you are staying in the UK.


Where will I live?

Those who work with us for a short time have a room of their own, usually in one of the houses and live as members of the household. Our houses are comfortable with modern conveniences. Mealtimes are shared with everyone in the house as is the rest of your home life.

Those who make a long-term commitment to our Community normally take responsibility for a household or for supporting some of those with special needs who follow a more independent lifestyle. We provide suitable accommodation to meet the needs of you and your family.


What work will I do?

Almost anything related to the life of our Community!

In supporting those in your household with special needs you may help them with their personal hygiene, care of their possessions, their participation in the working day, and social, recreational and educational activities.

At home there is cooking, cleaning, gardening, and you will probably also be involved with one of our workplaces – the café , store, bakery, farm, market garden, craft workshops or ground maintenance.


Will I get time off?

Being involved in our community is a way of life, not a job. So we try not to create on and off times, as the intention is to share our lives. But everyone gets time to themselves and for leisure, and you usually have a day at the weekend where you can feel free to go out as you wish.

If you spend a year with us, you can take up to three weeks holidays. Because we are dependent on each other in our shared way of life, holidays – even for a weekend – need to be planned and discussed with those you live and work with.

Please do not come with pre-booked holiday’s, but rather make holiday plans after you have arrived.


What if I have problems?

New co-workers have an experienced co-worker as a sponsor, to whom they may turn with any problems or questions.

After three months with us, a meeting with your sponsor and those responsible for your household and work will discuss how you have settled-in and see if any changes are needed.

Habitual use of alcohol or drugs is not in harmony with our shared community life.


Do I need to speak English well?

You need to be able to communicate well with everyone in our community, so you must be able to speak English reasonably well by the time you arrive.


Must I be a practising Christian?

No. We live our lives according to Christian principles and welcome those of any persuasion who respect this aspect of our Community life.

Can I bring my family?

If you need a Charity VISA to come to Newton Dee, it is important to know that you cannot bring family members with you. A Charity VISA in the UK only applies to you. There are a lot of videos on the internet claiming that families can use Charity VISA’s to gain access to the country, but this is not true.

If you are from the UK (or already have permanent residence in the UK) and you want to move to Newton Dee with your family, then you might be looking more at a permanent or long-term commitment. We suggest you email for more information.