About Us — Newton Dee

Newton Dee Life

Newton Dee is a Camphill community in Aberdeen, Scotland. We offer a home, meaningful work and opportunities for personal development to adults with learning disabilities and other special needs. In all some 200 people live and work within the Newton Dee community. Around half have special needs. The others are mainly co-workers and their families.

The ethos of Newton Dee is that everyone brings different abilities, which we use for the benefit of the people around us.

Newton Dee's home life is based around large and small households ranging from four to 16 people. In addition we have some shared houses, apartments and bed-sitters.

There are 36 houses in Newton Dee's wooded grounds, which extend to a total of 180 acres, of which 120 acres is dedicated to our biodynamic farm. Aberdeen is the home of the Camphill Movement.

Home Life

We share our lives in households of various sizes. The long-term co-workers with responsibility for each household – usually a couple and their children – are assisted by one or two short-term co-workers. They share their home life with those with special needs. So there are no on and off duty times, and the character of each household varies from one to another.

Work Life

Meaningful work producing quality goods and services of value to others is an important part of life. Everyone – with the exception of those who are unable to participate due to age or health – has work in our various enterprises. Working isn't just about doing something, but about becoming something. We offer opportunities in joinery, metal work, farming, gardening, textiles, baking, cooking, homemaking, landscaping or opportunities in our store and cafe.


Cultural Life

A broad outlook on life is encouraged at Newton Dee. We encourage residents and co-workers to develop their skills and talents through training and education. We also have an active social, cultural and spiritual life. Everyone at Newton Dee can be involved in music, drama, arts and crafts. There are regular sporting and recreational activities as well as plays and concerts. At the centre of our cultural and spiritual lives is our celebration of the Christian festivals.

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland,

and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

We are a member of the Association of Camphill Communities